أخلاقيات وآداب السلوك في الأعمال

Alfaisal University | KLD via Coursera

Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/business-ethics-and-etiquette


**Course Review and Recommendation: "أخلاقيات وآداب السلوك في الأعمال" (Ethics and Etiquette in Business)** In today’s competitive business landscape, acquiring the right qualifications is often viewed as the cornerstone of professional success. However, just as critical is the embodiment of ethical behavior and professionalism within the workplace. The Coursera course titled "أخلاقيات وآداب السلوك في الأعمال" (Ethics and Etiquette in Business) offers a comprehensive overview of these essential qualities and how they contribute to one’s career advancement. ### Course Overview This introductory course delves into the fundamentals of professional ethics and business etiquette. It aims to provide learners with a foundational understanding of the principles that govern ethical behavior in the workplace and the standards of conduct that foster a positive work environment. The course emphasizes the importance of being an ethical employee, one who upholds their responsibilities not only to their job but also to the community at large. ### Syllabus Highlights 1. **Understanding Success through Ethics**: The course begins by highlighting how adhering to ethical practices can lead to career success. It establishes the correlation between professional advancement and the principles of business etiquette. 2. **Fundamentals of Business Etiquette**: Learners are introduced to the fundamental standards of conduct in business settings. This includes communication styles, meeting protocols, and the importance of respect and professionalism in interactions with colleagues and clients. 3. **Core Ethical Principles**: The course reviews essential work ethics, focusing on concepts like honesty, integrity, and accountability. These principles serve as a guide for making decisions that align with both personal and organizational values. 4. **Differentiating Ethics from Etiquette**: Understanding the distinction between ethics and etiquette is critical. This segment clarifies how both elements contribute uniquely to a harmonious workplace and the overarching success of an organization. ### Why You Should Take This Course 1. **Real-World Relevance**: The importance of ethics and etiquette cannot be overemphasized in today's work environments that value corporate responsibility and interpersonal relations. This course is designed to equip you with the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of modern professional interactions. 2. **Comprehensive Learning**: With its well-structured syllabus, this course is comprehensive, suitable for beginners and experienced professionals alike. It provides valuable insights that can enhance your understanding and application of ethical practices in various scenarios. 3. **Personal and Professional Growth**: In addition to improving your workplace behavior, the knowledge gained from this course can contribute to your overall personal development, shaping you into a more responsible and ethical individual in all aspects of life. 4. **Flexible Learning**: Being an online course on Coursera, it offers flexibility in learning, allowing you to progress at your own pace while fitting it into your busy schedule. ### Conclusion If you aspire to foster a successful career characterized by ethical integrity and adherence to professional standards, enrolling in "أخلاقيات وآداب السلوك في الأعمال" is a step in the right direction. Ethics and etiquette are not just add-ons to professional qualifications; they are integral to establishing a sustainable career and fostering a thriving workplace. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their skill set and stand out as a quality employee. Take the plunge, and begin your journey towards becoming an ethical ambassador in your workplace!


أخلاقيات وآداب السلوك في الأعمال

ستزودك هذه الدورة باطلاع واسع ودقيق على مجموعة من المحاور المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع، مثل: فهم كيفية تحقيق النجاح من خلال الالتزام بمبادئ آداب السلوك في الأعمال، شرح أهم آداب العمل، استعراض أخلاقيات العمل الأساسية، تبيان مفهوم أخلاقيات وآداب السلوك في الأعمال والفرق بينهما.


غالباً ما يرتبط النجاح المهني بمدى توفر المؤهلات اللازمة لمواجهة المتطلبات الوظيفية، لكن ثمة جانب مؤثر في هذا النجاح لا يقل أهميةً عن توفر المؤهلات، وهو مدى توفر الصفات التي تجعلُ منك موظفاً أخلاقياً (Ethical Employee) لا يُخلُّ بواجبات ومسؤوليات عمله ومجتمعه، هذا بالإضافة إلى إمكانية تعزيز هذا النجاح عن طريق معرفة وإتقان كثيرٍ من سلوكيات العمل (Business Etiquette) المتحضرة. هذه الدورة هي دورة تمهيدية؛ فهي تلقي الضوء على أساسيات الموضوع بشكل عام بهدف التعريف به وبمحاوره الأساسية التي يجب الإلما

