Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/bagian-akhir-menerapkan-manajemen-proyek-di-dunia-nyata
### Course Review: Bagian Akhir - Menerapkan Manajemen Proyek di Dunia Nyata The course "Bagian Akhir: Menerapkan Manajemen Proyek di Dunia Nyata," which is part of the Google Project Management Certificate on Coursera, offers an engaging and practical capstone experience for learners seeking to consolidate their project management knowledge. This final segment seamlessly integrates all previously acquired skills and concepts while providing essential hands-on practice. #### Course Overview Designed as the concluding module of the Google Project Management Certificate, this course encourages learners to apply their cumulative project management knowledge to real-world scenarios. The structure builds on the foundational materials introduced in the earlier courses, making it crucial for participants to complete Modules 1-5 before diving into this final section. This ensures that learners are equipped with the necessary background and skills to successfully complete the activities involved. #### Detailed Syllabus Breakdown 1. **Memulai sebuah proyek (Initiating a Project)** In this section, learners will analyze project documents and supporting materials to identify project requirements and assess stakeholder needs. You'll take part in crafting a project charter and learn how to use it as a tool for aligning project scope and objectives, ensuring they are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). The module emphasizes effective negotiation skills to prioritize these goals with stakeholders. 2. **Membuat rencana proyek (Creating a Project Plan)** Here, participants will examine existing project documentation, perform online research, and analyze critical conversations to identify tasks and milestones, subsequently documenting and prioritizing them into a project plan. This segment also teaches communication techniques crucial for generating accurate time estimates for project tasks. 3. **Menjaga kualitas (Maintaining Quality)** This segment focuses on setting and explaining quality management standards and evaluating them to ensure project outcomes meet required quality levels. Learners will differentiate between evaluation and survey questions while mastering the art of sharing qualitative data. Strategies for facilitating productive retrospectives will also be discussed to enhance participation, accountability, and a positive mindset. 4. **Komunikasi pemangku kepentingan yang efektif (Effective Stakeholder Communication)** In this final section, learners will master the art of escalating project issues effectively and showcasing their influence through strategic reporting. The course also prepares participants for real-world job interviews by prompting reflection on past projects, developing an elevator pitch, and anticipating common interview questions. #### What I Liked The course’s practical approach is one of its standout features. It doesn’t just focus on theoretical knowledge; instead, it immerses learners in real-world situations, which is crucial for applying what they have learned. The step-by-step guidance from initiating to closing a project ensures that all learners, regardless of prior experience, can follow along and gain valuable insights. Additionally, the focus on SMART objectives and effective communication with stakeholders reflects industry best practices and significantly boosts one’s readiness for a career in project management. The career preparation elements, like the elevator pitch and interview preparation, are particularly beneficial for those entering the workforce or transitioning into project management roles. #### Who Should Take This Course This course is highly recommended for: - Individuals pursuing a career in project management who have completed the foundational courses of the Google Project Management Certificate. - Professionals looking to enhance their project management skills in real-world settings. - Those preparing for job interviews in the field of project management. #### Conclusion "Bagian Akhir: Menerapkan Manajemen Proyek di Dunia Nyata" is an essential course for anyone serious about carving a niche in project management. The blend of practical experience and strategic skill development makes it a must-take for aspiring project managers. With the guidance provided by this course, you'll not only learn how to apply your project management skills effectively but also prepare yourself for the challenges and opportunities that await in the professional realm.
Memulai sebuah proyek
Anda akan belajar menganalisis dokumen proyek dan materi pendukung untuk mengidentifikasi persyaratan proyek, mengevaluasi pemangku kepentingan, dan memecahkan masalah. Anda akan melengkapi piagam proyek dan menggunakannya sebagai alat untuk menyelaraskan cakupan dan tujuan proyek di antara para pemangku kepentingan. Anda juga akan menambahkan kekhususan pada tujuan proyek untuk menjadikannya SMART dan menerapkan keterampilan negosiasi yang efektif dengan pemangku kepentingan untuk memprioritaskan tujuan proyek.
Membuat rencana proyekAnda akan memeriksa dokumentasi proyek, melakukan riset online, dan menganalisis percakapan-percakapan penting untuk mengidentifikasi tugas dan milestone (tonggak pencapaian), lalu mendokumentasikan dan memprioritaskannya dalam sebuah rencana proyek. Anda juga akan mendemonstrasikan teknik komunikasi yang efektif untuk membuat estimasi waktu yang akurat untuk tugas proyek.
Menjaga kualitasAnda akan belajar untuk menetapkan dan menjelaskan standar manajemen kualitas serta mengevaluasi berdasarkan standar tersebut guna memastikan bahwa proyek tersebut mencapai tingkat kualitas yang diperlukan. Anda akan membedakan pertanyaan evaluasi dari pertanyaan survei dan mengenali cara berbagi data kualitatif secara efektif. Anda juga akan mempelajari strategi untuk memfasilitasi retrospektif yang produktif dengan mendorong partisipasi, akuntabilitas, dan sikap yang positif.
Komunikasi pemangku kepentingan yang efektifAnda akan belajar untuk mengomunikasikan dan melakukan eskalasi permasalahan proyek kepada para pemangku kepentingan dan menunjukkan dampak Anda melalui strategi pelaporan yang efektif. Selain itu, Anda akan mempersiapkan diri untuk wawancara kerja sesungguhnya dengan melakukan refleksi terhadap proyek-proyek sebelumnya, mengembangkan "elevator pitch", dan mengantisipasi pertanyaan-pertanyaan umum.
Pada materi terakhir dalam Sertifikat Manajemen Proyek Google ini Anda akan berlatih menerapkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan manajemen proyek yang telah Anda pelajari sejauh ini. Kami mendorong pembelajar untuk menyelesaikan Materi 1-5 sebelum memulai materi akhir, karena materi sebelumnya memberikan dasar yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan aktivitas dalam materi ini. Saat Anda mengikuti materi ini, Anda akan “mengamati” manajer proyek dalam skenario dunia nyata dan menyelesaikan berbagai akt
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